Savvas Metaxas - folk tales and the rain

Released: November 29

Lying in a space that fuses the real world (as accurately as can be captured) with a cinematic simulation of it, folk tales and the rain hearkens to a world that is both as tangible and abstract in alternating amounts. Field recordings play a central role here, with the sounds of the natural world blending in with small pieces of dialogue, monologue, and other vocal expressions. But the contents of the voices are not what matters here, rather it is just their simple presence. It serves as an affirmation of the interaction between people and the natural world around them and the subtle reminder that we are not separate from it, regardless of how keen we are to consider ourselves impartial observers rather than participants. 

Experienced over the course of two long form tracks corresponding to sides of a tape, Savvas Metaxas’ work here is to bring the awareness of this blurred line. You can hear this work rather clearly in the combination of the sounds of the natural world, the presence of sometimes obfuscated voices, and tonal experimentation with synths and guitars. For me, it represents the desire for explanation of the world around us with each successive explanation falling short. The seamless blend of these elements defies separation from each other as the creations of people blend into and lean upon the natural world. Even the guitars here rarely resemble the guitar sounds most would recognize, instead becoming a part of the aural experimentation with heavy reverbs and barely noticed plucks. It makes for a wondrous experience that inspires deep contemplation and reflection.


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