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Peiriant - Dychwelyd

Released: July 5 The second album from Welsh drone folk duo Peiriant, Dychwelyd is a deeply and intimate listen that relies less on complex layering or polished production and more upon capturing the raw and authentic sound of the duo's cultural heritage. These classical folk roots reveal themselves through the sounds of the violin. The almost mournful sounds evoke all of the images of shared culture among the Welsh and Irish. I can't comment too much on this as I am only familiar with the broadest strokes of these cultures from popular media. But these deep rooted influences are melded together with various electronics, loops, samples, and electric guitar to create some rather inventive and unique soundscapes.  Our opening track only gives us slight glimpses of the folk influences while allowing the guitar and droning electronics to lead the track until it is joined by the violin at the very end. But the very next track, "Gors," gives wide berth to violin to playful

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