Leifendeth - Distorted Transmission 3: Deadwaves


Released: October 4 

Leifendeth is a project that has been going on for the better part of a couple decades with Dan at the helm. While it mainly stays firmly in the realm of industrial techno, this latest album sprinkles in a lot of elements from other genres as well, especially in just the first few tracks. The first one “What’s Even Real Anymore?” takes a lot of cues from drum and bass with a rapid fire rhythm whilst he next track after gives a more downtempo dubstep vibe with the vocals being absent this time around. Then, with the third entry “Convincing Illusion,” we come right back to full fledged industrial music complete with some distinctly overdriven vocals and a pulsing rhythm. 

The album is nicely rounded out with some guest appearances and a couple of remixes from some familiar names. Armageddon Speaking makes an appearance late in album with a remix of “Unchanged” that sees the rhythm removed and replaces it with strange aural textures that float around in the stereo field, including this odd and intriguing effect he pulls off with a snippet of the vocal. The only other remix that shows up is right before this one in which In The Face Of turns the rapid fire and pulsating “Stealth Killer” into a downtempo dirge that feels spooky and degraded, both in a good way. 

I’m not usually one for vocals in general, but I have to point them out here as they are quite well treated throughout the album, especially on the guest performances. The Disasteress shows up on two tracks and the treatment on her voice is excellent. Her contributions actually give me vibes of later productions from KMFDM, which I really enjoyed on these two. But as a whole, the album is surprisingly varied. Granted, I always expect kind of an apocalyptic vibe from Leifendeth’s releases and this one nails it pretty well without getting stale. 


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